👋 Liviu is a Romanian IT professional, with a passion for traveling, gaming, and sharing his knowledge on ConfigurationManager and Intune with the community. Throughout his career, Liviu noticed there’s great value in learning from other people’s experiences, and there’s nothing like qualitative knowledge that’s just one click away. Hence, he decided to bring his own experiences to the table and share them with those interested in the topics … like you :)!

🚀 His IT journey started with a simple Service Desk job while completing his studies, and then ended up supporting the SCCM (as it was called in 2012) Team to package applications. Everything went uphill from there, as he became an SCCM Admin, and later on worked with Intune, where he managed Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android devices, amongst others.

🤖 He always found great satisfaction in simplifying the packaging work by automating tasks. This is why he joined the team at Patch My PC as a Customer Success Engineer to do the same thing for their customers.

✍️ He also enjoys writing blog articles whenever he has the chance, but finds that the time to write a useful and well-documented is very limited.

👨‍💻 He also is also the found and organizer of a networking, community event, RomUG.